Welcome To Our New Website!


Committee Members 2021-22
Chair Michelle D'Arcy
 Vice-Chair Tonia Warne
 Treasurer Alina Grylls
Secretary Leigh Nelson
 Committee Members Anthony Arnold, Kate Guest, Jess Steer and Alex Gillon-Walters
Forthcoming Events

We now have a Facebook page for Friends of Widecombe School

This page will update you on all upcoming Friends events, tell you about the money we raise and what we buy for school and will have photos and videos of both school equipment and events. The page is a closed page but we will not be putting up actual pictures of any of the children.

We will also have information about who is on the Friends' Committee and how you can join. We will also be keen to hear from you about what you would like to see on the page. The page is in development but will be up and running well before the start of term in September.

On behalf of Friends I look forward to seeing you on the page and supporting Friends' events.