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Curriculum Information

The Curriculum at Widecombe-in-the-Moor Primary School


‘Nurturing our journey of lifelong learning’


Widecombe is placed in a unique and beautiful location in the heart of Dartmoor and we value everything that this location offers our children. A sense of community is central to our ethos, and we want our children to value and understand their own school community, the surrounding local communities but it is also extremely important to us that they develop a wider sense of what community means globally which opens their eyes to the world beyond where they live.

At Widecombe, we want our curriculum to give frequent and varied opportunities for our children to develop their personal voice. We want our children to leave Widecombe as confident, competent individuals who know how to collaborate with others and how to make a positive difference to the people and the world around them. Alongside a continuously building, sequential, broad and balanced, curriculum, child voice is an integral part of our planning process and children should be given scope to make decisions about their learning and experiences thus engaging them fully in the journey.

Through developing positive learning behaviours, our curriculum enables children to develop high expectations of themselves and to actively explore possibilities beyond the familiar. They leave our school with the life skills needed to succeed, and if they don’t always succeed, they will have the courage and creativity, resilience and positivity to pick themselves up and to try again.

Accessibility Plan

This plan shows how we intend, over time, to increase the accessibility of our school for disabled pupils, staff, parents/carers and visitors:

• Increasing access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability This includes teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the school such as participation in after-school clubs, leisure and cultural activities or school visits.

•Improving access to the physical environment This includes improvements to the physical environment of the school and physical aids to access education.

• Improving the delivery of written information to pupils This will include planning to make written information that is normally provided by the school to its pupils available to disabled pupils. The information should take account of pupils’ disabilities and pupils’ and parents’/carers’ preferred formats and be made available within a reasonable timeframe.

The National Curriculum

Our school curriculum covers the National Curriculum and EYFS framework as well as the RE agreed syllabus, PSHE and RSHE curriculums.

The National Curriculum is a statutory curriculum document used by primary and secondary schools.  It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

The National Curriculum is organised into blocks of years called ‘key stages’ (KS). At the end of each key stage, the teacher will assess pupil progress and outcomes. 


Long term plans
Our long-term plans work in a sequential and progressive way across each of the subjects and generally work across a 2 year rolling programme except for English and Maths which are taught to specific year groups. Each subject has identified pathways which aim to extend to pre-school experiences and into KS3. Beneath this sits the National Curriculum taught through a carefully selected range of schemes of learning adapted and enriched by class teachers.
Curriculum Design statements